Manufacturing & Servicing Overhead Cranes
since 1983
Monday – Friday

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
24-Hour Crane Service

1194 Austin Court

Howell, MI 48843

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Parts/Parts Program

We not only offer speedy shipping of OEM parts and equivalents, but we can also assist you in creating a spare parts program customized to optimize your uptime.

By keeping the necessary parts readily available, your technician can promptly repair your equipment and minimize any downtime.

Contact your sales representative today to learn more about our parts program and how it can be integrated into your inspections.


Boost your safety and productivity with the latest technological advancements.

• LED Lighting

• Radio Controls

• Variable Frequency Drives

• Side Pull Prevention

• Load Display

• Warning and Protective Devices

• Collision Avoidance/No-Fly Zone

OSHA-Compliant Training

Operating a crane involves significant safety concerns, much like any other type of equipment or machinery.

It is crucial for crane operators and workers in the vicinity to follow specific procedures and guidelines to ensure their safety and that of others around them.

Our training program covers the fundamentals of crane safety, offering an overview of the necessary precautions.


Regularly scheduled crane inspections are a cost-effective way for companies to ensure compliance with local regulations and address safety and production issues. Compliance inspections are intended to fulfill regulatory requirements established by government agencies, such as OSHA.

However, simply having an annual compliance inspection is not enough to guarantee compliance. Regulations and industry standards necessitate preventive maintenance, repairs to address deficiencies, lifetime inspections, general overhauls, engineering evaluations, and load tests.

CRB Crane offers both compliance and preventive maintenance inspections conducted by a CRB Crane trained and qualified inspector. The inspector will assess the crane's condition and provide recommendations for repair, replacement, or adjustment. We also provide an inspection report that meets local statutory requirements.

On-Site Hoist and Crane Repair

At CRB Crane, we understand that equipment downtime can impact production. Hence, our team of technicians collaborates with your operation schedule and time constraints to cater to your repair needs promptly. We provide corrective maintenance services, which consist of planned repairs, preauthorized repairs, and on-call repairs.

in-House Hoist Repair

We conduct both Static and Dynamic testing and provide certification upon completion of the load test for our customers. The hoist is an essential component of the overhead crane, and several factors can lead to the need for hoist repairs. These may include electrical component failure, shock loads, or the age of the crane. Our primary objective is to minimize your downtime by bring the equipment to our site for repairs. We offer comprehensive in-house repair services for all types and brands of manual hoists, electric hoists, and pullers, including CM, Coffing, Harrington, Yale, Shawbox, R&M Material Handling, and many more. We provide test certificates electronically or on paper. We perform all repairs and testing at our facility, and load test all repaired hoists and pullers. Additionally, upon request, we can repair and test to theatrical